Produktai skirti prekės grąžinimo atostogų metu (122)

Menai ir Kultūra - Parodos Apsauga

Menai ir Kultūra - Parodos Apsauga

Kunstwerk-Schutz und -Präsentation für Museen, Galerien, Künstler, Agenturen, Kunst- und Kulturschaffende. Vitrinen, Hauben, Gehäuse und Verglasungen zum Schutz und zur vorteilhaften Präsentation kostbarer Exponate. Dazu gehören auch Präsentationsmöglichkeiten für Ausstellungen, wie Standfüße, Sockel, Displays, Infomaterial-Halterungen, Beschilderungen oder Trennwände. Scheiben für Bilderrahmen in Standard- oder Sonderformaten oder als Sonderform speziell für ein Kunstwerk gefertigt. Verschiedene Acrylgläser bieten UV-Schutz und Kratzfestigkeit, sind leichter und bruchfester als Echtglas. Viele Künstler setzen unsere Materialien direkt für Ihre Kunst ein (Skulpturmaterial, Malgrund, Rückwand, Eyecatcher, etc.) Gerade bei Erlebnispräsentationen zum Anfassen und Mitmachen in Ausstellungen von Kunst, Kultur, Naturwissenschaften oder Technik sind unsere Sonderanfertigungen immer wieder sehr geeignet und gefragt. Gerne entwickeln wir mit Ihnen zusammen optimale Lösungen.
Prieskonių ekstraktai žuvies ir delikatesų produktams

Prieskonių ekstraktai žuvies ir delikatesų produktams

Egal ob Matjes, Bismarckhering oder Heringssalat – wir haben für Ihre Anwendung die unterschiedlichsten Würzungen im Programm. Fein abgestimmt im Geschmack mit optimaler Dosierbarkeit liefern wir natürliche Gewürzextrakte in flüssiger oder streufähiger Form. Bei uns sind Sie nicht festgelegt auf fertige Mischungen. Wir erarbeiten nach Ihren Vorstellungen die individuelle Geschmacksnote für Ihr Haus.
Individualūs produktai - Nerūdijančio plieno dizainas

Individualūs produktai - Nerūdijančio plieno dizainas

We turn your ideas into reality! For example as clean steam - boiler steam converters for connection to saturated steam units for sterilization and disinfection in hospitals. Stainless steel design Do you have specific ideas or requirements which will have to be fulfilled? We will gladly face the challenge. We manufacture according to your specifications! Our products are made of steel and stainless steel, custom-made for our clients. Tanks and other reservoirs made of steel and stainless steel, e.g. as clean steam - boiler steam converter Stair railings and staircase design Steel and stainless steel tube and sheet metal constructions Wrought iron garden fences and entrance gates Gate systems (also with operator) Garden fences Banisters for balconies and terraces Product displays Covers and hoods Sign holders Tanks and pressure vessels for leisure boats, caravans and other applications Dock constructions, fixtures and other accessories for aquatic sports DINO Anlage- und...


TPE sporto ir laisvalaikio produktams

TPE sporto ir laisvalaikio produktams

TPE für Sport- und Freizeitartikel
Nassleim Etiketės Jūsų Produkto Sėkmei

Nassleim Etiketės Jūsų Produkto Sėkmei

Nassleim-Etiketten: Nachhaltig, individuell veredelt und von höchster Qualität. Das perfekte Aushängeschild für Ihr Produkt.
Skaitmeninė Spauda

Skaitmeninė Spauda

Neben Visitenkarten – dem Klassiker der Eigenwerbung – bieten wir Ihnen aber auch ein sehr großes Spektrum anderer Printideen, mit denen Sie und Ihre Firma bleibenden Eindruck hinterlassen werden.
Terminalas su Dešiniuoju Sriegimu - Naujienos 2019

Terminalas su Dešiniuoju Sriegimu - Naujienos 2019

Terminal Mit Rechtsgewinde - Neuheiten 2019 Marinetech Artikelnummer:8307405/2 EAN Code:4022697720180 Gewicht per 100 St:1,20 kg Verpackungseinheit:10 St Materialtyp:Edelstahl A4 Antrieb:SW8 Drahtseil-Durchmesser (DS-Ø):2 Durchmesser 1 (D1):5.5 Gewinde (GW):M5 Gewindeart:Metrisches Gewinde Länge (L):86 Länge 1 (L1):40 Material:Edelstahl A4 - AISI 316
Lüning Aušinimo elementai - Užtikrina aktyvų aušinimą jūsų temperatūrai jautriems produktams

Lüning Aušinimo elementai - Užtikrina aktyvų aušinimą jūsų temperatūrai jautriems produktams

Die sehr hochwertigen Kühlakkus sind für den Kontakt mit Lebensmitteln zugelassen und mit einem wasserbasierten Gel gefüllt. Bei uns bekommen Sie: - Standard Gel-Packs, ausgezeichnete Gel Packs zu Konkurrenzpreisen - No-Sweat Gel-Packs, diese Kühlakkus unterbinden Kondensation an der Folie - Kraftpapier Gel-Packs, umweltfreundliche Gel-Packs aus Kraftpapier - Cool-Pack Decken, platzsparende Absorber-Kühlelemente mit hervorragenden Kühleigenschaften - Segmentierte Gel-Packs, diese Kühlakkus decken Ihre Produkte optimal ab
Negeležiniai Metalai

Negeležiniai Metalai

Wir bieten Ihnen ein breitgefächertes Lagersortiment an Aluminium-, Kupfer- und Messingprodukten mit rund 2.600 Artikeln in ca. 25 Qualitäten. Aluminium-Flachprodukte Aluminium-Langprodukte Kupfer-Flachprodukte Kupfer-Langprodukte Rotguss-Langprodukte Messing-Flachprodukte Messing-Langprodukte
Smart-Book Kišeninis Ateities Komplektas

Smart-Book Kišeninis Ateities Komplektas

Runde Ecken Gummiband-Verschluss 3 Formate A4, A5, Pocket Complete-Ausführung Format: Blattformat 94 x 152 mm Verarbeitung: Hardcover mit unwattierter Buchdecke Buchblock und Decke mit runden Ecken Lesezeichen Kapitalband runder Rücken Einband: Future anthrazit Druck: schwarze Prägung inklusive Verpackung: Wellpapp-Verpackung weiß: Nr. 23 – 285 x 200 mm Umfang: 192 Seiten Ausstattung: Notizseiten mit Winkelkaro Mikroperforation perforierte Memozettel Gummiband-Verschluss schwarz 9 mm Material: Hochweißes Schreibpapier 80 g/m² Werbefläche: 75 x 50 mm Lieferzeit hauptartikel : 2 Wochen . Material : Hochweißes Schreibpapier 80 g/m². Mindestmenge : 25 Produktgröße : 94 x 152 Größe der Kennzeichnung : 75 x 50 mm Verpackung : 80 Nettogewicht : 175
TeaLogic - Stiklo gaminiai

TeaLogic - Stiklo gaminiai

Alle von uns angebotenen Artikel werden von qualifizierten Glasbläsern in aufwendiger Handarbeit hergestellt. Unsere TeaLogic Glasartikel kommen aus der Provinz Kang Seo in China. In dieser Gegend wird das Glasbläserhandwerk schon seit hunderten von Jahren ausgeübt. Die Techniken werden innerhalb der produzierenden Familien von Generation zu Generation weitergegeben. Alle von uns angebotenen Artikel werden von qualifizierten Glasbläsern in aufwendiger Handarbeit hergestellt. Wir verzichten komplett auf maschinelle Massenverfahren wie Pressen oder Schleudern.
Techniniai Plastikai / Pusgamiai

Techniniai Plastikai / Pusgamiai

Wir liefern Halbzeuge in Form von Platten, Tafeln, Rundstäben, Hohlstäben in sämtlichen Qualitäten, Abmessungen und Farben.
Lyginimo Dangteliai - Lyginimo Lentoms ir Presams Drabužių Pramonėje

Lyginimo Dangteliai - Lyginimo Lentoms ir Presams Drabužių Pramonėje

Seit 1968 werden die VOMATEX Qualitäts-Bügelbezüge hauptsächlich auf industriellen Bügeltischen und -pressen sowie Fixiermaschinen in Kleiderfabriken eingesetzt. Der weltweite Markt für Bügeleizubehör ist von großem Wettbewerb gekennzeichnet, Doch sämtliche Versuche die hohe deutsche Qualität und das überragende Preis-/Leistungsverhältnis von VOMATEX Bügelbezügen zu erreichen, sind bisher gescheitert. Billige Imitationen sind keine Alternative zu guter Qualität, denn die Haltbarkeit verglichen mit VOMATEX Produkten ist geringer. Die Imitationen verlieren schnell ihre Form, Elastizität und Durchlässigkeit und verringern die Qualität des Bügelergebnisses und dadurch auch den Wert des Endprodukts. Außerdem verursachen billige Imitationen häufig Maschinenausfälle, weil die Bezüge öfter gewechselt werden müssen. Das stört den Produktionsablauf und kostet mehr Geld als beim Einkauf gespart wurde.
Asinchroninis Variklis kaip Variklis Naftos Perdirbimo Įmonėje

Asinchroninis Variklis kaip Variklis Naftos Perdirbimo Įmonėje

Application Motor as drive for a compressor for support of oil production.Special cooler design to withstand even sandstorms in the desert. Power:11,500 kW Speed:1,500 rpm Weight:46,600 kg
3 dalių manikiūro odinis dėklas ZWILLING

3 dalių manikiūro odinis dėklas ZWILLING

Bestehend aus Nagelschere, Pinzette und Saphirfeile
Buriavimo langai

Buriavimo langai

Passgenaue Bootsscheiben und Zubehör fertigen wir maßgeschneidert in Sonder-Serien oder Einzelanfertigung aus Acrylglas, Polycarbonat, Polyethylen, PVC und Aluverbundwerkstoff. Bootsscheiben Passgenaue Bootsscheiben und Zubehör fertigen wir maßgeschneidert in Sonder-Serien oder Einzelanfertigung aus Acrylglas, Polycarbonat, Polyethylen, PVC und Aluverbundwerkstoff.
Prieskonių ekstraktai mėsos produktams

Prieskonių ekstraktai mėsos produktams

Gewürzextrakte: streufähig oder flüssig, praktisch keimfrei, optimal löslich, gleichbleibend im Geschmack
Pagaminti pagal užsakymą produktai - Nerūdijančio plieno dizainas

Pagaminti pagal užsakymą produktai - Nerūdijančio plieno dizainas

We turn your ideas into reality! For example as clean steam - boiler steam converters for connection to saturated steam units for sterilization and disinfection in hospitals. Stainless steel design Do you have specific ideas or requirements which will have to be fulfilled? We will gladly face the challenge. We manufacture according to your specifications! Our products are made of steel and stainless steel, custom-made for our clients. Tanks and other reservoirs made of steel and stainless steel, e.g. as clean steam - boiler steam converter Stair railings and staircase design Steel and stainless steel tube and sheet metal constructions Wrought iron garden fences and entrance gates Gate systems (also with operator) Garden fences Banisters for balconies and terraces Product displays Covers and hoods Sign holders Tanks and pressure vessels for leisure boats, caravans and other applications Dock constructions, fixtures and other accessories for aquatic sports DINO Anlage- und...
Individualūs produktai - Nerūdijančio plieno dizainas

Individualūs produktai - Nerūdijančio plieno dizainas

We turn your ideas into reality! For example as clean steam - boiler steam converters for connection to saturated steam units for sterilization and disinfection in hospitals. Stainless steel design Do you have specific ideas or requirements which will have to be fulfilled? We will gladly face the challenge. We manufacture according to your specifications! Our products are made of steel and stainless steel, custom-made for our clients. Tanks and other reservoirs made of steel and stainless steel, e.g. as clean steam - boiler steam converter Stair railings and staircase design Steel and stainless steel tube and sheet metal constructions Wrought iron garden fences and entrance gates Gate systems (also with operator) Garden fences Banisters for balconies and terraces Product displays Covers and hoods Sign holders Tanks and pressure vessels for leisure boats, caravans and other applications Dock constructions, fixtures and other accessories for aquatic sports DINO Anlage- und...
Individualūs produktai - Nerūdijančio plieno dizainas

Individualūs produktai - Nerūdijančio plieno dizainas

We turn your ideas into reality! For example as clean steam - boiler steam converters for connection to saturated steam units for sterilization and disinfection in hospitals. Stainless steel design Do you have specific ideas or requirements which will have to be fulfilled? We will gladly face the challenge. We manufacture according to your specifications! Our products are made of steel and stainless steel, custom-made for our clients. Tanks and other reservoirs made of steel and stainless steel, e.g. as clean steam - boiler steam converter Stair railings and staircase design Steel and stainless steel tube and sheet metal constructions Wrought iron garden fences and entrance gates Gate systems (also with operator) Garden fences Banisters for balconies and terraces Product displays Covers and hoods Sign holders Tanks and pressure vessels for leisure boats, caravans and other applications Dock constructions, fixtures and other accessories for aquatic sports DINO Anlage- und...
Pagaminti pagal užsakymą produktai - Nerūdijančio plieno dizainas

Pagaminti pagal užsakymą produktai - Nerūdijančio plieno dizainas

We turn your ideas into reality! For example as clean steam - boiler steam converters for connection to saturated steam units for sterilization and disinfection in hospitals. Stainless steel design Do you have specific ideas or requirements which will have to be fulfilled? We will gladly face the challenge. We manufacture according to your specifications! Our products are made of steel and stainless steel, custom-made for our clients. Tanks and other reservoirs made of steel and stainless steel, e.g. as clean steam - boiler steam converter Stair railings and staircase design Steel and stainless steel tube and sheet metal constructions Wrought iron garden fences and entrance gates Gate systems (also with operator) Garden fences Banisters for balconies and terraces Product displays Covers and hoods Sign holders Tanks and pressure vessels for leisure boats, caravans and other applications Dock constructions, fixtures and other accessories for aquatic sports DINO Anlage- und...
Pagaminti pagal užsakymą produktai - Nerūdijančio plieno dizainas

Pagaminti pagal užsakymą produktai - Nerūdijančio plieno dizainas

We turn your ideas into reality! For example as clean steam - boiler steam converters for connection to saturated steam units for sterilization and disinfection in hospitals. Stainless steel design Do you have specific ideas or requirements which will have to be fulfilled? We will gladly face the challenge. We manufacture according to your specifications! Our products are made of steel and stainless steel, custom-made for our clients. Tanks and other reservoirs made of steel and stainless steel, e.g. as clean steam - boiler steam converter Stair railings and staircase design Steel and stainless steel tube and sheet metal constructions Wrought iron garden fences and entrance gates Gate systems (also with operator) Garden fences Banisters for balconies and terraces Product displays Covers and hoods Sign holders Tanks and pressure vessels for leisure boats, caravans and other applications Dock constructions, fixtures and other accessories for aquatic sports DINO Anlage- und...
Pagaminti pagal užsakymą produktai - Nerūdijančio plieno dizainas

Pagaminti pagal užsakymą produktai - Nerūdijančio plieno dizainas

We turn your ideas into reality! For example as clean steam - boiler steam converters for connection to saturated steam units for sterilization and disinfection in hospitals. Stainless steel design Do you have specific ideas or requirements which will have to be fulfilled? We will gladly face the challenge. We manufacture according to your specifications! Our products are made of steel and stainless steel, custom-made for our clients. Tanks and other reservoirs made of steel and stainless steel, e.g. as clean steam - boiler steam converter Stair railings and staircase design Steel and stainless steel tube and sheet metal constructions Wrought iron garden fences and entrance gates Gate systems (also with operator) Garden fences Banisters for balconies and terraces Product displays Covers and hoods Sign holders Tanks and pressure vessels for leisure boats, caravans and other applications Dock constructions, fixtures and other accessories for aquatic sports DINO Anlage- und...
Individualūs produktai - Nerūdijančio plieno dizainas

Individualūs produktai - Nerūdijančio plieno dizainas

We turn your ideas into reality! For example as clean steam - boiler steam converters for connection to saturated steam units for sterilization and disinfection in hospitals. Stainless steel design Do you have specific ideas or requirements which will have to be fulfilled? We will gladly face the challenge. We manufacture according to your specifications! Our products are made of steel and stainless steel, custom-made for our clients. Tanks and other reservoirs made of steel and stainless steel, e.g. as clean steam - boiler steam converter Stair railings and staircase design Steel and stainless steel tube and sheet metal constructions Wrought iron garden fences and entrance gates Gate systems (also with operator) Garden fences Banisters for balconies and terraces Product displays Covers and hoods Sign holders Tanks and pressure vessels for leisure boats, caravans and other applications Dock constructions, fixtures and other accessories for aquatic sports DINO Anlage- und...
Individualūs produktai - Nerūdijančio plieno dizainas

Individualūs produktai - Nerūdijančio plieno dizainas

We turn your ideas into reality! For example as clean steam - boiler steam converters for connection to saturated steam units for sterilization and disinfection in hospitals. Stainless steel design Do you have specific ideas or requirements which will have to be fulfilled? We will gladly face the challenge. We manufacture according to your specifications! Our products are made of steel and stainless steel, custom-made for our clients. Tanks and other reservoirs made of steel and stainless steel, e.g. as clean steam - boiler steam converter Stair railings and staircase design Steel and stainless steel tube and sheet metal constructions Wrought iron garden fences and entrance gates Gate systems (also with operator) Garden fences Banisters for balconies and terraces Product displays Covers and hoods Sign holders Tanks and pressure vessels for leisure boats, caravans and other applications Dock constructions, fixtures and other accessories for aquatic sports DINO Anlage- und...
Individualūs gaminiai - Nerūdijančio plieno dizainas

Individualūs gaminiai - Nerūdijančio plieno dizainas

We turn your ideas into reality! For example as clean steam - boiler steam converters for connection to saturated steam units for sterilization and disinfection in hospitals. Stainless steel design Do you have specific ideas or requirements which will have to be fulfilled? We will gladly face the challenge. We manufacture according to your specifications! Our products are made of steel and stainless steel, custom-made for our clients. Tanks and other reservoirs made of steel and stainless steel, e.g. as clean steam - boiler steam converter Stair railings and staircase design Steel and stainless steel tube and sheet metal constructions Wrought iron garden fences and entrance gates Gate systems (also with operator) Garden fences Banisters for balconies and terraces Product displays Covers and hoods Sign holders Tanks and pressure vessels for leisure boats, caravans and other applications Dock constructions, fixtures and other accessories for aquatic sports DINO Anlage- und...
Individualiai pagaminti produktai - Konteineriai

Individualiai pagaminti produktai - Konteineriai

We turn your ideas into reality! For example as clean steam - boiler steam converters for connection to saturated steam units for sterilization and disinfection in hospitals. Stainless steel design Do you have specific ideas or requirements which will have to be fulfilled? We will gladly face the challenge. We manufacture according to your specifications! Our products are made of steel and stainless steel, custom-made for our clients. Tanks and other reservoirs made of steel and stainless steel, e.g. as clean steam - boiler steam converter Stair railings and staircase design Steel and stainless steel tube and sheet metal constructions Wrought iron garden fences and entrance gates Gate systems (also with operator) Garden fences Banisters for balconies and terraces Product displays Covers and hoods Sign holders Tanks and pressure vessels for leisure boats, caravans and other applications Dock constructions, fixtures and other accessories for aquatic sports DINO Anlage- und...


Our Cheek Retractors are tough and autoclavable, can be warmed to 100°C (212 °F), long handle gives ease of applicator, very flexible not to hurt patient is cheek, smooth surface makes patients exceptionally comfortable. Different color choices available. The Anatomical Teeth Wax Model has 32 units anatomical teeth made of easy to came wax type. It is for educational use only. Our 3 D SCAN SPRAY is perfect for achieving optimal accuracy and results with 3D laser scanning. It can also be used to apply as an anti-reflection. Availalble in 500 ml and 200 ml bottles.
Individualūs produktai - Nerūdijančio plieno dizainas

Individualūs produktai - Nerūdijančio plieno dizainas

We turn your ideas into reality! For example as clean steam - boiler steam converters for connection to saturated steam units for sterilization and disinfection in hospitals. Stainless steel design Do you have specific ideas or requirements which will have to be fulfilled? We will gladly face the challenge. We manufacture according to your specifications! Our products are made of steel and stainless steel, custom-made for our clients. Tanks and other reservoirs made of steel and stainless steel, e.g. as clean steam - boiler steam converter Stair railings and staircase design Steel and stainless steel tube and sheet metal constructions Wrought iron garden fences and entrance gates Gate systems (also with operator) Garden fences Banisters for balconies and terraces Product displays Covers and hoods Sign holders Tanks and pressure vessels for leisure boats, caravans and other applications Dock constructions, fixtures and other accessories for aquatic sports DINO Anlage- und...